I'm going to let you in a little secret...
I messed up this cake.

Yup. This cake. I messed up bad enough that I worried I would have to scrap the marbling entirely, which was a specific request.
I worked on this cake for my best friend of over a dozen years until about 1:00 a.m. the morning of her wedding, AND THEN my wonderful delivery team (a.k.a. my mom) helped me deliver the cake to our church at 2:00 a.m. And then I was the maid of honor the next day. Oh gosh.

So what was wrong with it? Frankly, the fondant. I'm most comfortable with Swiss Meringue Buttercream, but fondant is just not my cup of tea, so I really admire people who can cover a cake with a smooth layer of fondant the first time over!
I had rolled out a lovely sheet of blue and white marbled fondant that looked like the right size for the cake, but as I laid it out, it started ripping and cracking! There was no way to fix it without completely removing the fondant and starting over, but I was almost out of fondant and the stores were all closed by the time I was working on this step!
After staring at the cake for a few minutes, trying a few things in vain, knowing I couldn't fill in the wholes or smooth the ripples, I got a little experimental and ripped what little leftover fondant I had left. I started applying it in layers over the bottom edges and somehow, it actually...worked?
Add a little gold paint edges, drips, and splatters, and we have my favorite wedding cake to date!
Special thanks to fellow bridesmaid, Grace, who filmed me in the morning finishing the cake up while we waited to get our hair done!